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The Annual Giving Fund supports the Society’s most pressing current needs and objectives, from upgrading infrastructure to providing emergency relief grants to closing gaps in funding for existing programs and events. Gifts to this fund are unrestricted, and provide the Society with resources to address today’s most pressing challenges. Donate now!
Or help us maintain a strong foundation
Named in honor of longtime Executive Director, Robert F. Judd, the Robert F. Judd Fund provides crucial support for the AMS office and its operations. An enduring testament to Robert Judd’s long service and dedication to the Society, this fund invests in the Society’s future by ensuring that crucial AMS operational expenses—infrastructure, staff, and long-term investments—are always covered.
Or consider donating to one of these other donor funds.
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Secure your legacy by making a planned gift or bequest to the AMS that will help support and sustain music scholars, teachers and performers for generations to come. If you would like to explore your planned giving options, please request a consultation with the AMS.

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Our Impact
Donor Funds
Feminist Theory and MusicA diverse, inclusive, interdisciplinary community exploring intersections of feminist, queer, and trans thought to music and sound studies through biennial conferences. |
Project SpectrumA graduate student-led coalition committed to increasing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in music theory, musicology, and ethnomusicology. |
IMS Centenary FundThe International Musicological Society Centenary Fund will support a series of Centenary Prizes, which recognize scholars in the early stages of their careers from across the globe. |
Allegheny ChapterThe Allegheny Chapter connects music studies scholars and creative professionals throughout western Pennsylvania, western West Virginia, and western Maryland. |
Capital ChapterThe Capital Chapter organizes programs for AMS members in northern Virginia, central Maryland, eastern West Virginia, and the greater Washington, D.C. area. |
Greater New York ChapterThe Greater New York Chapter organizes programs and brings together AMS members in western Connceticut, New York City, and central and northern New Jersey. |
Mid-Atlantic ChapterThe Mid-Atlantic Chapter covers southern New Jersey, Delaware, Philadelphia, and eastern and central Pennsylvania. The Mid-Atlantic Chapter is currently inactive. |
Midwest ChapterThe Midwest Chapter covers Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and parts of Canada. |
New England ChapterThe New England Chapter covers the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, central / eastern Connecticut, and the Maritime Provinces and Eastern Quebec. |
New York – St. Lawrence ChapterThe New York – St. Lawrence Chapter covers western Quebec, eastern Ontario, Albany, Rochester, and Buffalo. |
Northern California ChapterThe Northern California Chapter primarily covers the northern area of California and northwest Nevada. |
Pacific Northwest ChapterThe Pacific Northwest Chapter covers British Columbia, Alberta, Alaska, Washington, western Montana, western Idaho and Oregon. |
Pacific Southwest ChapterThe Pacific Southwest Chapter covers Southern California, southern Nevada, and Hawaii.
Rocky Mountain ChapterThe Rocky Mountain Chapter covers Saskatchewan, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, and central and eastern Montana. |
South-Central ChapterThe South-Central Chapter covers northern Georgia, northern Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, western Virginia, and western North Carolina.
Southeast ChapterThe Southeast Chapter covers southern Virginia, eastern and central North Carolina, and South Carolina.
Southern ChapterThe Southern Chapter covers Louisiana, Mississippi, central and southern Alabama, centeral and southern Georgia, Florida, and Puerto Rico.
Southwest ChapterThe Southwest Chapter covers Arkansa, Oklahoma, and Texas.
Alvin H. Johnson AMS 50 FellowshipAlvin H. Johnson AMS 50 Fellowships provide funding for the final year of PhD dissertation work and are awarded on the basis of academic merit.
Holmes/D’Acconne Fellowship in Opera StudiesThis fellowship provides funding for dissertation research and completion focused on the study of opera. |
Howard Mayer Brown FellowshipThe Howard Mayer Brown Fellowship supports one year of graduate work for a student at a U.S. or Canadian university who is a member of a historically underrepresented group. |
AMS 75 Publication Awards for Younger Scholars (PAYS)Supports publications by scholars in the early stages of their career.
James R. Anthony FundSupports the publication of studies, including critical editions, of French music from Beaujoyeulx to Rameau (ca. 1550–ca. 1760).
Claire & Barry Brook FundNamed for musicology pioneers, Claire and Barry Brook, this fund supports research and publication on musical iconography.
H. Wiley Hitchcock / MUSA FundNamed for the American musicologist H. Wiley Hitchcock, this fund supports the publication of American music.
Donna Cardamone Jackson FundHonoring the memory of honors the memory of Donna Cardamone Jackson, this fund supports publications in all areas of music research.
John Daverio FundEstablished by friends of John Daverio, this fund supports publications in all areas of music research.
Joseph Kerman FundEstablished in conjunction with the OPUS campaign, this fund supports publications in all areas of music research.
Journal of Music History PedagogyThe Journal of Music History Pedagogy publishes original research on the teaching and learning of music history for all audiences and music genres.
Margarita M. Hanson FundNamed for Margarita Hanson, this fund supports the publication of books in any language about music or musical culture before 1800.
Iberian and Latin American Music FundThe Iberian and Latin American Music Fund is dedicated to the support of publications focused on aspects of Iberian and Latin American music.
Kenneth Levy FundThe Kenneth Levy Fund supports the publication of scholarship on medieval music, including edited volumes, electronic publications, and databases.
Martin Picker FundNamed for an eminent historian of music, this fund supports publications on Renaissance music.
Publication Subvention FundAMS Publication Subventions provide funds to offset expenses involved in the publication of works of musical scholarship. |
Suzanne Cusick Professional Development FundProvides professional development support to low-income, contingent and independent individuals without access to professional development funding. |
Early Music Program FundSupports educational or field-building programs for researchers and educators working on music in the period before c. 1600. |
Childhood & Youth Study GroupExplores intersections of music and childhood and youth |
Cold War & Music Study GroupStudies the music of post World War II, specifically the global opposition of the US and the USSR |
Ecomusicology Study GroupExplores the intersections between music, nature, and the environment |
Global East Asian Music Research Study GroupExplores the musics and soundscapes of East Asia and East Asian diasporas |
Global Music History Study GroupExplores global patterns and connections in music making
History of Music Theory Study GroupBrings together scholars interested in the history of music theory broadly constructed |
Ibero-American Music Study GroupStudies and presents leading research in all facets of Iberian and Latin American music |
Jazz & Improvisation Study GroupDedicated to the interdisciplinary study of jazz and improvised music |
Jewish Studies & Music Study GroupFosters the study of the intersections between Jewish culture and music |
LGBTQ Study GroupDedicated to increasing awareness of gender, sexuality, and music in the academy and establishing a forum for such research |
Ludomusicology Study GroupExplores and fosters research on video game music and music as part of game studies |
Music & Dance Study GroupA forum for the study of dance, an art to which music is intrinsically tied |
Music & Disability Study GroupA forum to support and share the work of scholars at the intersection of music and disability studies |
Music & Marxism Study GroupA forum for exploring Marxist thought and research within music studies |
Music & Media Study GroupFosters scholarship on the interactions of music and media within contexts of history, culture, and identity
Music & Philosophy Study GroupA forum for the study of music and intellectual history, including methodology, theory, and ethnomusicology
Music Notation, Inscription & Visualization Study GroupExplores how notation and literacy shaped the Western canon, and provides space for other forms of music transmission
Music, Sound & Trauma Study GroupExplores research on music, sound, and trauma, and fosters interdisciplinary inquiry and collaboration
Organology Study GroupForum for the study of the history of musical instruments and performance practices |
Pedagogy Study GroupA community of teacher-scholars who aim to think creatively about all facets of teaching music history |
Popular Music Study GroupPromotes the study of popular music from a wide variety of disciplinary, historical, methodological, and personal perspectives |
Skills & Resources for Early Music Study GroupSupports the study of musical practices before 1600 by fostering the skills necessary to teach and research early music |
Elliott Antokoletz FundIn memory of Elliott Antokoletz, one of the foremost scholars and teachers of twentieth-century music, this fund supports research in twentieth-century music. |
M. Elizabeth C. Bartlet FundNamed for M. Elizabeth C. Bartlet, a leading scholar of 18th and 19th century French music, this fund supports doctoral or post-doctoral research in France. |
Virginia and George Bozarth FundThe Virginia and George Bozarth Fund supports doctoral and post-doctoral research in Austria for PhD graduates of North American universities.
H. Robert Cohen/RIPM Research FundNamed for the founder and director of the Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals (RIPM), this fund supports research based on the musical press. |
Lenore Coral/RILM FundNamed for the founder of the U.S. Office of Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM), this fund supports the U.S. RILM Office. |
Thomas Hampson EndowmentThis grants provides support for work on editions and scholarship on classic song in all its contexts and using interactive media and technologies. |
Jan LaRue Travel FundThe Jan LaRue Travel Fund honors the memory of Jan LaRue (1918–2004) and supports doctoral or post-doctoral musicological research in Europe.
Janet Levy FundThis fund provides professional travel and research support for AMS members who do not have access to employer-based research funding. |
Harold Powers World Travel FundProvides support for PhD students at and graduates of North American universities to conduct musicological research in all fields and world regions. |
Ora Frishberg Saloman FundThe Pacific Northwest Chapter covers British Columbia, Alberta, Alaska, Washington, western Montana, western Idaho and Oregon. |
Eileen Southern Travel FundSupports the attendance of minority undergraduates and terminal master’s degree candidates at the Society’s annual meeting. |
Eugene K. Wolf Travel FundNamed for a distinguished scholar of European music, this fund supports doctoral research on music in Europe undertaken by PhD students at North American universities.