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Check, Money Order or ACH
Consider transferring large donations by check, money order or ACH. Unlike online donations, they aren't subject to percentage-based merchant fees, so the AMS gets the full benefit of your gift!
Stocks or Bonds
A gift of stock or bonds is mutually beneficial! The Society receives the full value of the stock and you avoid capital gains tax. So consider donating stock to meet your charitable goals!
Required Minimum Distribution
Age 72 or older? You must take a required minimum distribution (RMD) from your tax-deferred retirement plans. So, make it a donation! You'll meet your RMD and avoid extra taxes.

Our Impact

The American Musicological Society (AMS) is a major funder, convener and organizational partner. We work tirelessly to advance the study and teaching of music, and to support the educators, researchers, and cultural professionals who do this work. Below are just a few statistics to help you understand our organizational impact and why your donation is vital!

Spent each year
on publication subventions

AMS subventions help publish books, articles and digital works on music that are not otherwise commercially viable. This equals 35-40 new scholarly books on music each year!

Regional chapters in the
United States and Canada

AMS chapters bring members together to network, present, and more. With 15 chapters, we facilitate countless connections and collaborations among music educators and researchers!

Well-respected journals
and online periodicals

AMS periodicals on music research, performance, and pedagogy are among the most well-known and respected. They reach large, international audiences and are leaders in the field.

Awarded in
graduate fellowships 

The Society's Howard Mayer Brown, Holmes D'Accone, and AHJ AMS 50 Fellowships provide year-long funding to students pursuing PhDs. Many eminent music scholars began as AMS fellows!

Book series or imprints
on music studies

The AMS is a major publisher of critical editions and scholarly research on music. We have over 140 volumes, in print or currently in production, on every aspect of music.

Newsletters, listservs, or news feeds
on music studies

Music educators, researchers and performers turn to the AMS to stay informed. So, we maintain a number of regular newsletters, listservs, and news feeds on our work and the field.

Travel and research

The AMS is a major funder of research and travel for music studies scholars, teachers and performers. Every year we give away $75k just in travel and research grants.

Awarded in affiliate grants
and other funding

The AMS invests in its 15 chapters and 22 study groups by providing roughly $30K in direct grants and funding annually. Much more is provided in technology and financial services.

Award and
honors programs

The AMS recognizes and rewards excellence through its 16 awards and honors programs. Moreover, all AMS awards confer prestige and come with a small financial gift.

Annual public and research
lecture series

AMS hosts many music studies lectures and panels throughout the year. Indeed, with 6 different public and scholarly lecture series, there is something for every music professional or enthusiast.

Annual meetings
and conferences

The AMS is a major convener. In addition to many small events, it convenes two conferences each year, most notably the AMS Annual Meeting, the largest music studies event of its kind.

Event videos
and films

In recent years, the AMS has stepped up its efforts to record, and stream or post as much as possible. We now maintain a video library of more than 65 videos and films, and counting.

study groups

AMS study groups bring together members around a topic of common interest. With 22 study groups, the AMS is a major sponsor of music studies interest groups!

Over 300 volunteers and
committee members

AMS programs are only made possible by the dedication and service of volunteers. Each year the AMS recruits and appoints over 300 volunteers to help run the Society's many programs.

Public talks and

The AMS works to share music research with a wider public by organizing 15-20 public events each year. Moreover, this number is growing rapidly as we invest more in public outreach.
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Donor Funds

The American Musicological Society (AMS) maintains restricted funds for most of its programs and all of its affiliates. To contribute to a specific AMS program or affiliate, click the relevant donate button below.


Feminist Theory and Music

A diverse, inclusive, interdisciplinary community exploring intersections of feminist, queer, and trans thought to music and sound studies through biennial conferences.

Project Spectrum

A graduate student-led coalition committed to increasing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in music theory, musicology, and ethnomusicology.

IMS Centenary Fund

The International Musicological Society Centenary Fund will support a series of Centenary Prizes, which recognize scholars in the early stages of their careers from across the globe.





Allegheny Chapter

The Allegheny Chapter connects music studies scholars and creative professionals throughout western Pennsylvania, western West Virginia, and western Maryland.

Capital Chapter

The Capital Chapter organizes programs for AMS members in northern Virginia, central Maryland, eastern West Virginia, and the greater Washington, D.C. area.

Greater New York Chapter

The Greater New York Chapter organizes programs and brings together AMS members in western Connceticut, New York City, and central and northern New Jersey.

Mid-Atlantic Chapter

The Mid-Atlantic Chapter covers southern New Jersey, Delaware, Philadelphia, and eastern and central Pennsylvania. The Mid-Atlantic Chapter is currently inactive.

Midwest Chapter

The Midwest Chapter covers Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and parts of Canada.

New England Chapter

The New England Chapter covers the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, central / eastern Connecticut, and the Maritime Provinces and Eastern Quebec.

New York – St. Lawrence Chapter

The New York – St. Lawrence Chapter covers western Quebec, eastern Ontario, Albany, Rochester, and Buffalo.

Northern California Chapter

The Northern California Chapter primarily covers the northern area of California and northwest Nevada.

Pacific Northwest Chapter

The Pacific Northwest Chapter covers British Columbia, Alberta, Alaska, Washington, western Montana, western Idaho and Oregon.

Pacific Southwest Chapter

The Pacific Southwest Chapter covers Southern California, southern Nevada, and Hawaii.


Rocky Mountain Chapter

The Rocky Mountain Chapter covers Saskatchewan, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, and central and eastern Montana.

South-Central Chapter

The South-Central Chapter covers northern Georgia, northern Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, western Virginia, and western North Carolina.


Southeast Chapter

The Southeast Chapter covers southern Virginia, eastern and central North Carolina, and South Carolina.


Southern Chapter

The Southern Chapter covers Louisiana, Mississippi, central and southern Alabama, centeral and southern Georgia, Florida, and Puerto Rico.


Southwest Chapter

The Southwest Chapter covers Arkansa, Oklahoma, and Texas.






Alvin H. Johnson AMS 50 Fellowship

Alvin H. Johnson AMS 50 Fellowships provide funding for the final year of PhD dissertation work and are awarded on the basis of academic merit.


Holmes/D’Acconne Fellowship in Opera Studies

This fellowship provides funding for dissertation research and completion focused on the study of opera.

Howard Mayer Brown Fellowship

The Howard Mayer Brown Fellowship supports one year of graduate work for a student at a U.S. or Canadian university who is a member of a historically underrepresented group.


Publications & Subventions
AMS 75 Publication Awards for Younger Scholars (PAYS)

Supports publications by scholars in the early stages of their career.


James R. Anthony Fund

Supports the publication of studies, including critical editions, of French music from Beaujoyeulx to Rameau (ca. 1550–ca. 1760).


Claire & Barry Brook Fund

Named for musicology pioneers, Claire and Barry Brook, this fund supports research and publication on musical iconography.


H. Wiley Hitchcock / MUSA Fund

Named for the American musicologist H. Wiley Hitchcock, this fund supports the publication of American music.


Donna Cardamone Jackson Fund

Honoring the memory of honors the memory of Donna Cardamone Jackson, this fund supports publications in all areas of music research.


John Daverio Fund

Established by friends of John Daverio, this fund supports publications in all areas of music research.


Joseph Kerman Fund

Established in conjunction with the OPUS campaign, this fund supports publications in all areas of music research.


Journal of Music History Pedagogy

The Journal of Music History Pedagogy publishes original research on the teaching and learning of music history for all audiences and music genres.


 Margarita M. Hanson Fund

Named for Margarita Hanson, this fund supports the publication of books in any language about music or musical culture before 1800.


Iberian and Latin American Music Fund

The Iberian and Latin American Music Fund is dedicated to the support of publications focused on aspects of Iberian and Latin American music.


Kenneth Levy Fund

The Kenneth Levy Fund supports the publication of scholarship on medieval music, including edited volumes, electronic publications, and databases.


Martin Picker Fund

Named for an eminent historian of music, this fund supports publications on Renaissance music.



Publication Subvention Fund

AMS Publication Subventions provide funds to offset expenses involved in the publication of works of musical scholarship.


Professional Development


Suzanne Cusick Professional Development Fund

Provides professional development support to low-income, contingent and independent individuals without access to professional development funding.

Early Music Program Fund

Supports educational or field-building programs for researchers and educators working on music in the period before c. 1600.


Study Groups
Childhood & Youth Study Group

Explores intersections of music and childhood and youth

Cold War & Music Study Group

Studies the music of post World War II, specifically the global opposition of the US and the USSR

Ecomusicology Study Group

Explores the intersections between music, nature, and the environment

Global East Asian Music Research Study Group

Explores the musics and soundscapes of East Asia and East Asian diasporas

Global Music History Study Group

Explores global patterns and connections in music making


History of Music Theory Study Group

Brings together scholars interested in the history of music theory broadly constructed

Ibero-American Music Study Group

Studies and presents leading research in all facets of Iberian and Latin American music

Jazz & Improvisation Study Group

Dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of jazz and improvised music

Jewish Studies & Music Study Group

Fosters the study of the intersections between Jewish culture and music

LGBTQ Study Group

Dedicated to increasing awareness of gender, sexuality, and music in the academy and establishing a forum for such research

Ludomusicology Study Group

Explores and fosters research on video game music and music as part of game studies

Music & Dance Study Group

A forum for the study of dance, an art to which music is intrinsically tied

Music & Disability Study Group

A forum to support and share the work of scholars at the intersection of music and disability studies

Music & Marxism Study Group

A forum for exploring Marxist thought and research within music studies


Music & Media Study Group

Fosters scholarship on the interactions of music and media within contexts of history, culture, and identity


Music & Philosophy Study Group

A forum for the study of music and intellectual history, including methodology, theory, and ethnomusicology


Music Notation, Inscription & Visualization Study Group

Explores how notation and literacy shaped the Western canon, and provides space for other forms of music transmission


Music, Sound & Trauma Study Group

Explores research on music, sound, and trauma, and fosters interdisciplinary inquiry and collaboration


Organology Study Group

Forum for the study of the history of musical instruments and performance practices

Pedagogy Study Group

A community of teacher-scholars who aim to think creatively about all facets of teaching music history

Popular Music Study Group

Promotes the study of popular music from a wide variety of disciplinary, historical, methodological, and personal perspectives



Skills & Resources for Early Music Study Group

Supports the study of musical practices before 1600 by fostering the skills necessary to teach and research early music




Travel & Research Grants


Elliott Antokoletz Fund

In memory of Elliott Antokoletz, one of the foremost scholars and teachers of twentieth-century music, this fund supports research in twentieth-century music.

M. Elizabeth C. Bartlet Fund

Named for M. Elizabeth C. Bartlet, a leading scholar of 18th and 19th century French music, this fund supports doctoral or post-doctoral research in France.

Virginia and George Bozarth Fund

The Virginia and George Bozarth Fund supports doctoral and post-doctoral research in Austria for PhD graduates of North American universities.


H. Robert Cohen/RIPM Research Fund

Named for the founder and director of the Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals (RIPM), this fund supports research based on the musical press.

Lenore Coral/RILM Fund

Named for the founder of the U.S. Office of Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM), this fund supports the U.S. RILM Office.

Thomas Hampson Endowment

This grants provides support for work on editions and scholarship on classic song in all its contexts and using interactive media and technologies.

Jan LaRue Travel Fund

The Jan LaRue Travel Fund honors the memory of Jan LaRue (1918–2004) and supports doctoral or post-doctoral musicological research in Europe.


Janet Levy Fund

This fund provides professional travel and research support for AMS members who do not have access to employer-based research funding.

Harold Powers World Travel Fund

Provides support for PhD students at and graduates of North American universities to conduct musicological research in all fields and world regions.

Ora Frishberg Saloman Fund

The Pacific Northwest Chapter covers British Columbia, Alberta, Alaska, Washington, western Montana, western Idaho and Oregon.

Eileen Southern Travel Fund

Supports the attendance of minority undergraduates and terminal master’s degree candidates at the Society’s annual meeting.

Eugene K. Wolf  Travel Fund

Named for a distinguished scholar of European music, this fund supports doctoral research on music in Europe undertaken by PhD students at North American universities.