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The Early Music Program Fund (EMPF) was established in late 2020 to support educational or field-building programming for researchers studying music in the period before c. 1600.

The Early Music Program Fund’s educational programs build, strengthen, and sustain the research skills needed to knowledgably study, teach, perform, and illuminate music and musical cultures in the period before c. 1600. This includes, but is not limited to, programming focused on paleography, codicology, organology, the archival sciences, the study of musical notation and lexicology, languages and liturgy, and the scribal and material cultures that informed and conditioned the creation, evolution, and dissemination of early music. EMPF field-building programming focuses on strengthening and extending the scholarly and professional networks that support scholars and teachers who work on early music up to c. 1600.

Applicants will receive a decision notification in mid-March. Funds awarded must be used by 30 June of the following year. Recipients will be required to complete a grant report detailing use of funds and providing data on impact.

Please see the application form for additional details regarding allowable formatting, required content and allowable submission filetypes for each document. Applications to the Early Music Program Fund must include:

1. A brief proposal summary (150 words)
2. Statements on target audience, anticipated impact, and planned promotion
3. A narrative proposal (500 words)
4. A project budget (use this budget template)


Only AMS-affiliated chapters, study groups, and committees are eligible to submit a proposal for funding from the Early Music Program Fund. Individuals wishing to propose should invite the sponsorship of an AMS chapter, study group, or committee. AMS chapters, study groups, and committees are limited to a maximum of two proposals per annual grant cycle. To be considered, proposals must either be submitted by a duly elected or appointed leader of the relevant chapter, study group, or committee, or be received along with a letter from such a leader authorizing the proposal submission on behalf of that chapter, study group or committee. Proposals in excess of $2000 will not be considered, and the AMS reserves the right to award less than the requested amount. All funds must be used within the two fiscal years following receipt of the grant.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are individual members of the AMS eligible for the Early Music Program Fund?

No. The Early Music Program Fund is only available to AMS chapters, committees and study groups. If you have an idea for the Early Music Program Fund, please contact an representative for a relevant AMS chapter, committee, or study group.

How much is a typical Early Music Program fund award?

Award amounts vary according to the size and scope of the project. Please detail your planned budget in your application and provide a sum-total of requested funds. Please note that proposals in excess of $2000 will not be considered. There is no minimum proposal amount.

Does the program need to be in-progress or scheduled to be eligible for the Early Music Program Fund?

The Early Music Program Fund welcomes proposals for educational programs at all stages of development. The fund will support both continuing projects and newly founded programs.

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