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About the Career Center

The AMS Career Center (to be launched in spring 2025) is a hub for community announcements, calls, jobs, and other resources designed to help you advance your career in music studies, teaching and performance. The Career Center will include:

Calls for papers and manuscripts
Calls for award nominations
Conference information
Graduate programs in music studies
Job notices
Promotional notices

Moreover, the Career Center will makes it easier than ever to find opportunities. Searchable by keyword, location, category, salary, and more, these new platform will support user accounts by AMS members and constituents. You will be able to create an account, set up regular alerts for the types of notices or announcements that interest you, and have them delivered daily, weekly or monthly to your inbox.

Even better, the new Career Center will host a special career-themed blog with stories, resources, interviews and items of interest to music researchers, teachers, administrators and performers at every career stage.

If you are an existing AMS member, the Career Center will also be linked directly to your AMS member account on the Society’s website, allowing you to log in effortlessly and access special members-only resources, publications and videos, like Broude Trust Editions titles.

So stay tuned for more information about the new Career Center between now and spring 2025!

AMS-Announce Listserv

AMS-Announce is the Society’s announcement listserv, which sends posts about conferences, jobs, fellowships, and other items of interest to the musicological community. While AMS members are strongly encouraged to subscribe to AMS-Announce, subscription is not connected to membership and is open to all. Members must subscribe to AMS-Announce proactively; it is not automatic.

AMS-Announce subscription is completely separate from AMS membership. There are three ways to subscribe (bulletin board mirrors):

1) AMS-Announce via email distribution list (Listserv)

To subscribe to the email distribution list, manage your subscriptions in the dashboard or use the form available here. This version of the list has the advantage of being advertising-free. Posts are archived at Google Groups (see below).

2) Musicology-announce via Google Groups

This list is hosted via Google. It has e-mail options similar to (1) above, with the advantage of an easily searchable web-based archive. It includes Google’s standard advertising. Visit the Google Groups Musicology-Announce-2 page to see previous posts at this site.

You may also subscribe to the Google musicology-announce-2 group via RSS feedRSS

To receive a digest of announcements, adjust your subscription options in “My membership settings.”


Posting Guidelines

Size of posts: Posts should be clear and short, directing interested readers to a web site for fuller information wherever possible.

posts may be no more than 2,500 characters in length: summarize and point to a web site for details
a repeat or reminder post can be sent, but it must be at least six weeks after initial post, and no “correction” posts are sent: proofread carefully!
make it easy for readers to quickly see what it’s about: put key information (title, conference date, location, cfp deadline, web site) at the top of the post
amend email addresses thus: xyz -at- (to remove the @ symbol)
proofread carefully: “correction” posts are not accepted

Posts longer than three hundred words (JOURNAL CONTENTS posts excepted) are subject to editing or rejection. Posts with nonfunctioning URL references will be rejected. (Rationale: readers tend to avoid longer posts, web sites work well for details, and short posts save bandwidth.)

Repetition of information: “Reminder” posts may be submitted no more than once for any given announcement. Reminder posts will be fewer than fifty words and will refer interested readers to a web site and the original AMS-Announce post. Reminder posts may be submitted six or more weeks after the date of the original post. (Rationale: list readers tire of repetition and the purpose of the list is undermined if too much repetition occurs.)

Conference Announcements: Each event may have one Call for Papers (CFP) with a reminder and one Conference (CONF) announcement with a reminder during a twelve-month period.

Keep the post short and to the point, and use a URL to direct readers to a web site with full information. For the convenience of subscribers, posts are prefixed by category: CONF, CFP, JOB, FWP, ANNOUNCEMENT, JOURNAL CONTENTS at the time they are sent. For all CONF and CFP notices, please note the preferred format:

Conference title (spell out acronyms)
[Deadline, if CFP]
Conference dates
Conference web site URL
Conference venue (institution and city)

Please proofread your announcements carefully. It is impossible to “unsend” an email.

Topics: AMS-Announce posts should be clearly related to musicology and related subjects of more than mere local interest. Topics such as jobs in musicology, musicology-related conferences, grants, fellowships, or important musicological events are appropriate. Job postings unrelated to musicology, event announcements unlikely to be of widespread interest, and the like are not appropriate for this list. Posts concerning commercial products and services are not accepted.

Formatting: Posts may be sent in “plain text” or HTML markup.

Emend all email addresses as follows: “xxx -at-”, i.e. substitute ” -at- ” for the “@” sign.

Subject headers are regularized, e.g. for conferences: title, institution and/or city, month, year. Attachments or images are not sent to the list.

To have an item posted, please use the submission form. Due to the nature of the list and the volume of posts, the AMS cannot send “confirmation” posts or enter into extensive correspondence regarding posts. Those seeking to confirm postings should look in the archives (links above). Posts cannot be removed once posted.

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Volunteer to serve as an AMS committee member. It's a great way to grow your network!
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