The Broude Trust for the Publication of Musicological Editions was founded in 1983 for the publication of historical scores and scholarly musical editions. Rights to the Broude Trust catalogue were gifted to the American Musicological Society (AMS) in 2023. The Trust was dissolved at that time, and as a condition of the gift, the AMS agreed to make the bulk of Broude Trust titles freely available in digital form to AMS members. (The small number of titles which are not made freely available to members are those which have some measure of commercial viability. The AMS continues to sell these titles or to generate royalties via subcontracting agreements.)
Accessing Broude Titles: AMS members interested in accessing digital versions of Broude Trust volumes should log into the AMS website and click on the Dashboard link at the top of the page. From there, members may access their profile page and various members-only resources, including the Broude Trust digital catalogue.
Founded in 1983 by Ronald Broude, the Broude Trust for the Publication of Musicological Editions was conceived as a vehicle for publishing historical scores of interest to scholars and performers, but devoid of significant commercial appeal. Specifically, the Trust was created to publish music from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries, including the work of understudied or underperformed composers and communities.
To do this work, the Trust engaged subject editors who were willing to invest time and effort beyond that normally expected in editorial projects and those editors were encouraged to apply innovative and rigorous methodologies. For example, Trust editors made extensive use of versioning in the Art of the Keyboard series; negotiated the problems of divided authority in volumes of the Gilbert & Sullivan editions; and combined the authentic appearance of facsimiles with the editorial reliability of critical editions in the Critical Facsimiles collection. The result of this approach is a collection of authoritative historical scores and critical editions of exceptional quality and fidelity.
The full Broude Trust catalogue was gifted to the American Musicological Society in 2023 on the conditions that 1) digital copies of Broude Trust volumes would be made freely available to AMS members and 2) that no new titles would be commissioned bearing the Broude Trust imprint. Thus, the titles, already published or in preparation, which are listed below, represent the full and conclusive roster of Broude Trust titles.
Dieterich Buxtehude: Collected Works
A number of Broude Trust volumes feature music by the Danish composer Dieterich Buxtehude. Depicted here playing the viol and famed as an organist in his own day, Buxtehude is generally considered one of the greatest composers of the northern European Baroque period.

Broude Trust Titles
Art of the Keyboard
• HARDEL, JACQUES. Collected Works
• KERLL, JOHANN CASPAR. Collected Works for Keyboard
○ KERLL, JOHANN CASPAR. 4 Pieces: Capriccio sopra’ il Cucu; Battaglia; Ciaconna; Passcaglia
• RICHARD, ETIENNE. Collected Works
• LA BARRE. Harpsichord Music Associated with the Name La Barre
• DOLES, JOHANN FRIEDRICH, Jr. Collected Works for Keyboard
• KUHNAU, JOHANN. Collected Works for Keyboard
• KUHNAU, JOHANN. Clavier Ubung, Erster Teil
• KUHNAU, JOHANN. Clavier Ubung, Andrer Teil
• KUHNAU, JOHANN. 6 Biblical Sonatas
• D’ANGLEBERT, JEAN HENRY. Collected Works
○ D’ANGLEBERT, JEAN HENRY. Selected Works in C and a
○ D’ANGLEBERT, JEAN HENRY. Selected Works in D
• ROBERTS, JOHN. Collected Works
• Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, MS Rés 475
○ GEOFFROY, JEAN NICOLAS. Selected Works for Harpsichord & Organ
• Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Rés Vm7 674-5, The “Bauyn Manuscript”
• DUMONT, HENRY. Collected Works for Keyboard
○ DUMONT. HENRY. Works for Strings with Optional Accompaniment, score & set of parts
Dieterich Buxtehude: The Collected Works
• BUXTEHUDE, DIETERICH. Sacred Works for 4 Voices & Instruments 2: BuxWVV 4, 14, 22. 62, 78, 85, 91 & 112
• BUXTEHUDE, DIETERICH. Sacred Works for 5 Voices & Instruments, Part 1: Membra Jesu, BuxWV 75
• BUXTEHUDE, DIETERICH. Sacred Works for 5 Voices & Instruments, Part 2: BuxWVV 3, 18, 20, 31, 54, 86 & 96
• BUXTEHUDE, DIETERICH. Sacred Works for 5 Voices & Instruments, Part 3: BuxWVV 24, 29, 34, 41, 51 & 79
• BUXTEHUDE, DIETERICH. Sacred Works for 5 or 6 Voices & Instruments; Occasional Works, Canons, Dubia
• BUXTEHUDE, DIETERICH. Instrumental Works for Strings & Continuo
○ 3 Sonatas for 2 Violins, Viola da Gamba & Continuo from Manuscript Sources, score & set of parts
○ 3 Sonatas for Violin, Viola da Gamba & Continuo from Manuscript Sources, score & set of parts
• BUXTEHUDE, DIETERICH. Keyboard Works 1. Preludes, Toccatas & Ciaconnas for Organ (pedaliter)
• BUXTEHUDE, DIETERICH. Keyboard Works 2. Organ Chorales
• BUXTEHUDE, DIETERICH. Keyboard Works 3. Preludes, Toccatas, Fugues & Canzonas (manualiter)
• BUXTEHUDE, DIETERICH. Keyboard Works 4. Suites & Variations
A Collection of Renaissance Vocal Music
• GERO, IHAN. 4 Duos
• MORTON, ROBERT. 3 Chansons
• MARENZIO, LUCA. Ov’e condotto il mio amoroso stile?
• MARENZIO, LUCA. Piango che Amor
• MARENZIO, LUCA. O fere stelle
• MARENZIO, LUCA. Al lume de le stelle
• MARENZIO, LUCA. Sospir, nato di fuoco
• GERO, IHAN. 3 Madrigal-Duos
• GERO, IHAN. 3 Chanson-Duos
• MARENZIO, LUCA. O verdi selv’o dolci fonti o rivi
• RORE, CIPRIANO DE. Donec gratus eram tibi
• JOSQUIN DES PREZ. 3 Chansons for Men’s Voices
• JOSQUIN DES PREZ. 3 Worldly Chansons
• MARENZIO, LUCA. Dunque romper la fè dunque deggio io
• MARENZIO, LUCA. Care lagrime mie
• BUSNOYS, ANTOINE. Missa L’homme armé
• BUSNOYS, ANTOINE. 3 Short Motets
• MARENZIO, LUCA. Qual mormorio soave
• MARENZIO, LUCA. È questo il legno che di sacro sangue/O pietà somma o rara e nuova legge
• VAN WILDER, PHILIP. Blessed Art Thou That Fearest God
• VAN WILDER, PHILIP. Je file quand Dieu me donne de quoy
Louis Couperin
• COUPERIN, LOUIS. Extant Works for String & Wind Instruments, score & set of parts
Critical facsimiles
• RAMEAU, JEAN-PHILIPPE. Premier Livre de pieces de clavecin (Paris, 1706)
• BUXTEHUDE, DIETERICH. VII Sonates à doi, Violino & Violadagamba, con Cembalo, Opera 1 (Hamburg, 1694)
• BUXTEHUDE, DIETERICH. VII Sonates à due, Violino et Violadagamba con Cembalo, Opera 2 (Hamburg, 1696)
• MARAIS, MARIN. Pièces en trio pour les flutes, violon & dessus de viole (Paris, 1692)
• LUBECK, VINCENT. Clavier Uebung (Hamburg, 1728)
• BUXTEHUDE, DIETERICH. Fried- und Freudenreiche Hinfarth des alten großgläubigen Simeons bey seeligen bey ableiben des Herrn Johannis Buxtehuden, BuxWV 76 (Lubeck, 1674)
• PETRUCCI, OTTAVIANO. Harmonice Musices Odhecaton A (Venice, 1504)
• GUERINI, FRANCESCO. Six Solos for a Violoncello with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord, Op IX (London, c. 1764)
• JACQUET DE LA GUERRE, ÉLISABETH-CLAUDE. Les Piéces de claveßin, Premier Livre (Paris, 1687)
Antoine Forqueray, Jean-Baptiste Forqueray, Michel Forqueray, & Nicolas-Gilles Forqueray: The Works
○ FORQUERAY, ANTOINE. Pièces de viole, scores & parts to the 5 suites
○ FORQUERAY, ANTOINE. Pieces from Manuscript Sources, score & set of parts
○ FORQUERAY, ANTOINE. Pieces a trois violes, score & set of parts
○ FORQUERAY, ANTOINE. 3 Pieces for Harpsichord with Accompaniment for Bass Viol (Hypothetical Realization), score & set of parts
Gilbert & Sullivan: The Operas
• GILBERT, W. S. & ARTHUR SULLIVAN. Trial By Jury, full score
○ Trial By Jury, vocal score
○ Trial By Jury, set of band parts
• GILBERT, W. S. & ARTHUR SULLIVAN. HMS Pinafore, full score
○ HMS Pinafore, vocal score
○ HMS Pinafore, set of band parts
○ HMS Pinafore, No. 6, “Reflect, My Child” (conjectural reconstruction), score
○ HMS Pinafore, No. 6, “Reflect, My Child,” vocal score
○ HMS Pinafore, No. 6, “Reflect, My Child,” set of band parts
○ HMS Pinafore, Overture, score
○ HMS Pinafore, Overture, set of parts
• GILBERT, W. S. & ARTHUR SULLIVAN. Iolanthe, full score
○ Iolanthe, vocal score
Élisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre: The Collected Works
○ Collected Works for Harpsichord 1. Les Pieces de clavessin (1687)
○ Collected Works for Harpsichord 2. Pieces de clavessin (1707); Menuet
○ Collected Sonatas for Violin & Basse continue, score & set of parts
○ Collected Sonatas for 2 Violins & Basse continue, score & set of parts
○ 3 Sacred Cantatas: Esther; Susanne; Judith, score & set of parts
○ Aux vains attraits. Air serieux
• DE LA GUERRE, ÉLISABETH-CLAUDE JACQUET. Dramatic Works, Part 1: Cephale et Procris
• DE LA GUERRE, ÉLISABETH-CLAUDE JACQUET. Dramatic Works Part 2: Jeux à l’honneur de la Victoire; Dubia: La Musette; Menuet
Little & Marsh: La Danse Noble
• LITTLE, MERIDITH & CAROL MARSH. La Danse noble: An Inventory of Dances and Sources
Jean-Baptiste Lully: The Collected Works
• LULLY, JEAN-BAPTISTE. Ballets 19. Les Nopces de village, LWV 19, score & set of parts
• LULLY, JEAN-BAPTISTE. Motets. 5. Quare fremuerunt, LWV 67; Notus in Judea Deus, LWV 77/17; Exaudiat te Domine, LWV 77/15
Marin Marais: The Instrumental Works
• MARAIS, MARIN. Pièces à une et à deux violes (1686-89)
• MARAIS, MARIN. Pièces de viole, second livre (1701)
• MARAIS, MARIN. Pièces de viole, troisième livre (1711)
• MARAIS, MARIN. Pièces à une et à trois violes, quatrième livre (1717)
• MARAIS, MARIN. Pièces de viole (1725)
• MARAIS, MARIN. Pièces en trio (1692)
• MARAIS, MARIN. La Gamme et autres morceaux de simphonie pour le violon, la viole et le clavecin (1723); Unpublished pieces from the Panmure Manuscripts
○ MARAIS, MARIN. Unpublished Pieces from the Panmure Manuscripts
Luca Marenzio: The Secular Works
• MARENZIO, LUCA. Il sesto libro de’ madrigali a sei voci (1595)
• MARENZIO, LUCA. Madrigali a quattro, cinque, e sei voci, libro primo (1588)
• MARENZIO, LUCA. Il secondo libro de’ madrigal a sei voci (1584)
• MARENZIO, LUCA. L’ottavo libro de’ madrigal a cinque voci (1598)
• MARENZIO, LUCA. Madrigali spirituali a cinque voci, libro primo (1584)
Music at the Courts of Italy
• ALEOTTI, VITTORIA. Ghirlanda de madrigali a quattro voci
• ALEOTTI, RAFFAELLA. Sacrae Cantiones quinque, septem, octo & decem vocibus de cantandae
Masters & Monuments of the Renaissance
• GERO, IHAN. Il primo libro de’ madrigali italiani et canzone francese a due voci
• MORTON, ROBERT. Collected Works
• La Couronne et fleur des chansons a troys (1536)
• VAN WILDER, PHILIP. Collected Works
• BUSNOYS, ANTOINE. Collected Works
○ Part 1. Works with Texts in the Vernacular
○ Parts 2 & 3. The Latin-Texted Works
• JAPART, JEHAN. Collected Works
Studies in the History Music
• Music and Language
• Music and Drama
• The Creative Process
In Preparation
Gilbert & Sullivan: The Operas
• GILBERT, W. S. & ARTHUR SULLIVAN. Iolanthe, set of band parts
• GILBERT, W. S. & ARTHUR SULLIVAN. Princess Ida, full score.
○ Princess Ida, vocal score
○ Princess Ida, set of band parts
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