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Queer Arrangements: Billy Strayhorn and Midcentury Jazz Collaboration

Lisa Barg
Wesleyan University Press (2023). ISBN: 9780819500649. Supported by the General Fund.

Screening the Operatic Stage: Television and Beyond

Christopher Morris
University of Chicago Press (2024). ISBN: 9780226831299. Supported by the General Fund.

White Musical Mythologies: Sonic Presence in Modernism

Edmund Mendelssohn
Stanford University Press (2023). ISBN: 9781503636637. Supported by the AMS 75 PAYS Fund.

Just Beyond Listening: Essays of Sonic Encounter

Michael C. Heller
University of California Press (2023). ISBN: 9780520350786. Supported by the General Fund.

An Eternal Pitch: Bishop G. E. Patterson, Broadcast Religion, and the Afterlives of Ecstasy

Braxton E. Shelley
University of California Press (2023). ISBN: 9780520387140. Supported by the General Fund.

Remediating Sound: Repeatable Culture, YouTube and Music

Holly Rogers
Bloomsbury (2023). ISBN: 9781501387340. Supported by the General Fund.

Kinetic Cultures: Modernism and Embodiment on the Belle Epoque Stage

Rachana Vajjhala
University of California Press (2023). ISBN: 9780520356276. Supported by the James R. Anthony Fund.

Fanfare for a City: Music and the Urban Imagination in Haussmann's Paris

Jacek Blaszkiewicz
University of California Press (2023). ISBN: 9780819500182. Supported by the AMS 75 PAYS Fund.

Union Divided: Black Musicians’ Fight for Labor Equality

Leta E. Miller
University of Illinois Press (2024). ISBN: 9780252087677. Supported by the Joseph Kerman Fund.

Art Music Activism: Aesthetics and Politics in 1930s New York City

Maria Cristina Fava
University of Illinois Press (2024). ISBN: 9780252045714. Supported by the AMS 75 PAYS Fund.

Imagining Musical Pasts: The Queer Literary Musicology of Vernon Lee, Rosa Newmarch, and Edward Prime-Stevenson

Kristin M. Franseen
Clemson University Press (2023). ISBN: 9781638040583. Supported by the AMS 75 PAYS Fund.

Music in Profile: Twelve Performance Studies

John Rink
Oxford University Press (2023). ISBN: 9780197565391. Supported by the General Fund.

Sounds of Other Shores: The Musical Poetics of Identity on Kenya's Swahili Coast

Andrew Eisenberg
Wesleyan University Press (2024). ISBN: 9780819501059. Supported by the General Fund.

Fraught Balance: The Embodied Politics of Dabke Dance Music in Syria

Shayna Silverstein
Wesleyan University Press (2024). ISBN: 9780819501028. Supported by the AMS 75 PAYS Fund.

The Musician as Philosopher: New York's Vernacular Avant-Garde, 1958–1978

Michael Gallope
University of Chicago Press (2024). ISBN: 9780226831763. Supported by the Claire and Barry Brook Fund.

Medieval Sex Lives: The Sounds of Courtly Intimacy on the Francophone Borders

Elizabeth Eva Leach
Cornell University Press (2023). ISBN: 9781501771873. Supported by the Kenneth Levy Fund.

How Hip Hop Became Hit Pop: Radio, Rap, and Race

Amy Coddington
University of California Press (2023). ISBN: 9780819500182. Supported by the AMS 75 PAYS Fund.

Critical Brass: Street Carnival and Musical Activism in Olympic Rio de Janeiro

Andrew Snyder
Wesleyan University Press (2022). ISBN: 9780819500182. Supported by the AMS 75 PAYS Fund.

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