Study Group Websites
Study Group Sign-up
All AMS members are invited to sign up for any and all study groups that engage their interest. This will enable study group leaders to message those members directly about study group events and activities.
Keep abreast of events organized by your AMS study groups by subscribing to or regularly consulting the AMS Calendar. The Society Calendar is regularly updated and lists events organized by the AMS main office and the Society’s study groups and chapters.
Policies & Guidance
The Chapter & Study Group Organizer’s Handbook
This handbook, created specifically to support the work of chapter and study group leaders, provides guidance on AMS policies, financial support, web resources, reporting, and more!
AMS study group leaders are required to report the following financial and administrative activities:
- Presentations: Papers read at study group meetings or other events. Please send details (author, institutional affiliation or city of residence, title of paper, date of meeting, photography) to the AMS office as soon as possible after each meeting takes place.
- Annual reports: Administrative and program reports are due in the summer each year. These should summarize recent chapter activities and partnerships, as well as plan for future chapter activities.
- Elections & Appointments: Leadership changes resulting from elections or appointments. This information should include service term length and start/ end date of service terms.
- Bylaws changes: Proposed changes to study group bylaws must be submitted to the AMS office and Board for final approval. No chapter bylaws provision will be approved if it conflicts with the AMS Bylaws.
To submit annual chapter reports, chapter leaders should use the Study Group Reporting Form.
All AMS study groups receive small annual allotments to help support affiliate organizing. Study groups are also eligible to apply for funding from the Society’s Study Group Activities Fund. The Study Group Activities Fund provides partial funding for activities organized by AMS chapters. Study group leaders are also required and encouraged to raise additional funds from external sources or from other AMS programs. (Note: All external grant applications or other funding requests to non-AMS sources should be coordinated with the AMS office to ensure full regulatory compliance.)
For other AMS funding opportunities open to AMS study groups, consult our Affiliate Grants page.
Financial Management
All AMS study groups are provided with an internal AMS-managed financial account, which may be used to receive donations, dues, and grant funds. Study group leaders receive regular automated transaction reports about these accounts and may submit request for payment and reimbursement for expenditures that support study group activities which are consistent with the Society’s mission. For more information about managing chapter funds, study group leaders should consult the Chapter & Study Group Leaders Handbook or email the AMS Office at ams [at]
New Study Groups
Groups of members that share common research interests and wish to be recognized as an AMS study group must apply to the AMS Board of Directors for approval. A new study group application must include:
- A statement of rationale
- Information regarding the group’s activities prior to making the formal application
- The names of two or more primary organizers
- A list of active, inaugural members (20+ individuals)
- A bibliography of recent and relevant work
The rationale should argue persuasively that there is a need for an ongoing study group for the theme proposed and demonstrate that it is not currently addressed by an extant study group. All primary organizers of study groups sponsored by the Society must be AMS members. The list of active, inaugural members should include at least twenty individuals from a variety of career stages, institution types, demographic groups, and geographic regions.
In order to ensure a strong proposal demonstrating an interest in and need for an ongoing study group, it is strongly advised that those interested in organizing a new study group hold two or more sessions at AMS Annual Meetings prior to submitting the application. They should submit proposals to the Program Committee as part of the ordinary proposal submission process.
Study Group applications should be sent as email attachments to the office of the AMS. The Board of Directors will consider applications at their regular meetings. If you are interested in organizing a new AMS study group and have questions about the process or timeline, please contact the AMS Office at ams [at] amsmusicology.
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