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The AMS provides mentorship, professional development, and networking support to its members and constituents. The Sustainable Mentorship Program (SMP) provides robust, year-long mentorship, professional development, and networking support to individuals with advanced training in musicology and related fields.

The Suzanne G. Cusick Professional Development Fund provides $500 professional development and career support grants for scholars of music, sound studies, and musical performance. These grants are intended to support low-income independent scholars, contingent faculty, and individuals whose paid work outside the academy does not offer them access to professional development.

Career & Mentorship Programs

AMS career and mentoring programs are designed to help you get the information and connections you need to advance your career and improve your work.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do I have to be an AMS member to participate in the Society's Career & Mentoring Programs?

No. By and large you do not have to be an AMS member to participate in the Society’s Career & Mentoring programs. However, some measure of participating in AMS is necessary. For example, applicants to the Cusick Professional Development fund must have been active in the AMS in the last five years.

Does the AMS provide resources for finding jobs and other professional opportunities?

Absolutely! The AMS Listserv and Career Center provide up-to-date information on employment opportunites, calls, conference announcements, and much more. Visit the Career Center page to learn more.

Get Involved

Connect, socialize, and learn with the AMS! Participate in our Career & Mentoring programs to supercharge your professional network.
Donate and show your support for AMS career, mentorship, and affiliate programs.
Connect and give back! Volunteer to be an AMS mentor or workshop leader.
Join AMS and help preserve career and mentorship that support young scholars.