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Nominations for 2025 American Musicological Society awards are posted here. Nominations are listed after being vetted for eligibility. This page is offered as a courtesy to potential nominators and to the community for information on publications being considered for AMS awards.

Armstrong, Don The Life and Writings of Ralph J. Gleason: Dispatches from the Front Bloomsbury Music in American Culture Award
Bartig, Kevin Olin Downes and the Soviets Journal of the American Musicological Society H. Colin Slim Award; H. Robert Cohen/RIPM Award
Bowring, Lynette Marianna Martines: Motets for Solo Voice and Ensemble A-R Editions Claude V. Palisca Award
Brittan, Francesca The Neural Orchestra: Cognitive Instrumentalities Journal of the American Musicological Society H. Colin Slim Award
Broude,Ronald; Cyr, Mary The Musical Work Before the Work Concept, or the 18th-Century Acceptance of Musical Compositions as Works The Musical Times H. Colin Slim Award
Caldwell, Mary Channen Devotional Refrains in Medieval Latin Song Cambridge University Press Early Music Award
Caldwell, Mary Channen Multilingualism, Nova cantica, and the Cult of Saint Nicholas in Medieval England and France Speculum Early Music Award
Caldwell, Mary Channen Dancing in Silence in Premodern Europe Postmedieval: A Journal of Medieval Cultural Studies Early Music Award
Carson, A. D. Owning My Masters (Mastered): The Rhetorics of Rhymes & Revolutions University of Michigan Press Judy Tsou Critical Race Studies Award
Carter, Tim Monteverdi’s Voices: A Poetics of the Madrigal Oxford University Press Otto Kinkeldey Award
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