One of the premier journals in the field, the Journal of the American Musicological Society (JAMS) publishes scholarship from all fields of musical inquiry, including historical musicology, critical theory, music analysis, iconography and organology, performance practice, aesthetics and hermeneutics, ethnomusicology, gender and sexuality studies, popular music studies, and cultural studies. JAMS is recognized for the breadth of its intellectual scope and its penetration in the field. Each issue includes articles, reviews, and scholarly conversations. Three issues are published annually.
Back issues of JAMS are also available for purchase from the AMS Office and with the payment of a shipping fee. To purchase a back issue of JAMS, contact the AMS Office.
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Colloquy on Music & Sexuality
Musicological explorations of the intersections between music, gender, and sexuality have a long history. In the colloquy published in JAMS 66/3 (2013), convened by distinguished scholars Judith A. Peraino and Suzanne Cusick, the Society offered a forum for academic discussion of these intersections. Featured authors include Mitchell Morris, Lloyd Whitesell, William Cheng, Maureen Mahon, Sindhumathi Revuluri, Nadine Hubbs, and Stephen Pennington.

JAMS Editors and Editorial Board members are appointed by the AMS President in consultation with the Board of Directors and following a public process of nomination and/or application.
Jake Johnson, Editor-in-Chief
Jennifer Walker, Associate Editor
Jillian C. Rogers, Reviews Editor
Esther Morgan-Ellis, Digital and Multimedia Editor
Jordan Musser, Managing Editor
Caitlin Truelove, Editorial Assistant
John-Peter S. Ford, Editorial Assistant
Editorial Board
Christina Baade
Michael Birenbaum Quintero
Kristi Brown-Montesano
Mark Burford
Daniel Goldmark
Sumanth Gopinath
Sara Haefeli
Judith I. Haug
Erika Supria Honisch
David R. M. Irving
Loren Kajikawa
Tiffany Kuo
Maureen Mahon
Matthew Mugmon
Judith A. Peraino
Marcie Ray
Stacy Wolf
JAMS is now accepting article submissions through Scholastica. Authors will need to login using an existing Scholastica account or create a new one in order to submit. Our guidelines for all submissions—including articles, colloquies, and reviews of scholarly work in print and digital formats—can be found here.
About Double-Blind Peer Review
Double-blind peer review is of paramount importance to the Journal. We hold that it functions well only when all parties act in a collaborative spirit of good faith and mutual respect. Peer review is facilitated by the Journal. The process is double-blind, and the Editorial Team mediates all interactions between reviewers and authors. Peer reviews are not published, and the review is owned by the author of the peer review.
After the Editorial Team has consulted the peer reviews, the Editor-in-Chief will provide the submitting author with a decision and blinded copies of the peer reviews. A submission can receive one of the following: Accept with Revisions; Revise and Resubmit; or Reject.
If an author receives a “Revise and Resubmit,” the revised manuscript will undergo a second round of peer review. During this process, the Journal attempts to engage at least one original reader and one new reader. In the case that no original readers are available, two new readers will be engaged. A resubmission can receive one of the following decisions: Accept with Revisions or Reject. Authors are allowed only one opportunity for revision of their original manuscript.
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