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The H. Robert Cohen/RIPM Fund for research based on the musical press is named H. Robert Cohen, founder and director of Répertoire international de la presse musicale (RIPM).  He has overseen the publication of some three hundred volumes and the creation of several databases providing the full text of, and access to, hundreds of rare music periodicals. His many publications deal with music criticism, the musical press, musical iconography, and the staging of opera. H. Robert Cohen studied at New York University and taught at the Université de Paris VIII, Université Laval, the University of British Columbia, the University of Amsterdam, and the University of Maryland, where he was named Professor Emeritus by his colleagues. For his contribution to French culture he was named Chevalier in the Order of Arts and Letters by the French government. And, the title of Honorary Member was conferred on him by the International Musicological Society, as well as the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centers. Grants are given annually to one or more members of the AMS. Grants from the fund will support research and travel related to the goals of RIPM (Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals), a long-standing publication internationally recognized as one of the primary tools in research in music and musicology.


Please see the application form for additional details regarding allowable formatting, required content and allowable submission filetypes for each document. Applications to the Elliott Antokoletz Fund must include:

  1. A brief summary of your proposal (150 words)
  2. A description of the overall project explaining the basic ideas, problems, or questions to be explored (500-words)
  3. A statement regarding the significance of the overall project and the anticipated contribution of the project to the existing body of research and writing on the topic or question (250-word)
  4. A description of the expected results of research done during the grant period, and plans for further research on the project (200-words)



The H. Robert Cohen/RIPM Fund accepts applications from any member of the AMS. The fund supports studies based in large part upon eighteenth-, nineteenth-, and twentieth-century periodical literature dealing with music, including those focusing on one or more journals, music critics and criticism, reception history and issues related to access and preservation.

Applications for the following AMS travel and research grants are reviewed by a single committee. Since the terms for these grants have overlapping areas of emphasis, applicants may request to be considered for more than one, if appropriate. A place to indicate which travel/research grant(s) you wish to be considered for is given on the application form. No individual may receive a travel/research grant more than once in a three-year period. Applicants may apply for multiple awards using the same form submission. Funds awarded in 2024 must be applied to travel/research undertaken between 1 May 2024 and 30 April 2025.

H. Robert Cohen
H. Robert Cohen

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The Cohen / RIPM fund supports projects built around the history of music printing and publishing. Help us strengthen this important program.
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