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The fund honors the memory of Donna Cardamone Jackson (1937-2009), esteemed scholar of early modern Italian music whose pioneering scholarship shed new light on popular and unwritten Neapolitan musical traditions; women in courtly cultures; and gender, sexuality, and eroticism. Born in Utica, New York, Donna Cardamone received her B.A. (1959) from Wells College; she went on to study at Harvard University earning her MA (1964) and PhD (1972) under the supervision of her revered teacher Nino Pirrotta, producing a dissertation that served as the basis for her seminal book, The Canzone Villanesca and Related Italian Vocal Part-Music, 1537-1570, 2 vols. (Ann Arbor: UMI Press, 1981).

Following a one-year position at Smith College (1968-69), she moved to the University of Minnesota (1969-2007) where she taught for 38 years, retiring in 2007. She has received numerous fellowships and grants from the Fulbright Commission, the American Association of University Women, the American Philosophical Society, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Her articles have been published in the Journal of the American Musicological Society, Acta musicologica, Rivista italiana di musicologia, Early Music History, Music and Letters, and numerous anthologies and conference proceedings. She has devoted much of her career to making little known repertories available to scholars and performers alike, editing some half dozen volumes of canzone villanesche a la napolitana, and collaborating as musicological consultant on numerous CD recordings, including Micrologus and Cappella de’ Turchini, Napolitane: Villanelle, Arie, Moresche, 1530-1570 (Opus 111 label, 1999), winner of the Diapason d’Or.

Fellow Cinquecento scholar Anthony Cummings describes Cardamone’s scholarship as “a musicological equivalent of the history practiced by Natalie Zemon Davis, David Herlihy, and other esteemed students of early-modern Europe . . . embracing the study of reflections in music of more elusive expressions of human sensibility: sexuality, sentiment, private experience. Her incisive and sensitive approaches have yielded extraordinarily rich and evocative results, in my experience, rare in the musicological literature.”

Cardamone was an active member of the AMS, who served as Secretary to the AMS Council (1991-93), Chair of the Nominating Committee for the AMS Board of Directors (1995), the Editorial Board of JAMS (1995-98), and as a member and co-chair of the Local Arrangements Committee of two national meetings held in Minneapolis (1994 and 1978).

The Donna Cardamone Jackson Publication fund was established by the AMS Board of Directors in May 2007 in response to an initiative of Paula Higgins (University of Nottingham, UK).

Proposals appropriate for the Donna Cardamone Jackson Fund are accepted by the AMS Publications Committee regularly. See AMS Publication Subventions for further details.

Contributions to the Donna Cardamone Jackson Fund are warmly invited. Your support demonstrates an important commitment to the ideals and legacy of Donna Cardamone Jackson.


Donna Cardamone Jackson
Donna Cardamone Jackson

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