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Joining the AMS will give your career a boost and help you meet new colleagues who share your love of music. Membership in the AMS is affordable and will make you eligible for a host of funding, event, and professional development programs. It will also give you  governance and service opportunities that can strengthen your professional profile and shape the future of music studies.

So, take a moment right now to join or renew your membership in the AMS! You have a place in this unique and welcoming community of music educators, researchers, performers, and cultural professionals.

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If this is the first time you are logging into this version of the AMS website, you will need to reset your password or log in with Google.


The AMS is the largest music studies organization in the United States and host of the AMS Annual Meeting, the leading international conference in musicology. For music scholars, an AMS membership is a must have. It provides access to funding, interest groups, critical editions, and more. Best of all, AMS membership provides many opportunities to meet and connect with like-minded colleagues.

Join / Renew


Benefits of Interest to Researchers

• Discounted registration for the AMS Annual Meeting
• Free subscription to JAMS
Free access to Broude Trust Editions
• Access to members-only grants
• Access to members-only publication subventions
• Access to AMS regional chapters and thematic study groups



The AMS is a leading professional society for music studies educators working in higher ed and at other educational levels. So, if you teach musicology or related topics, you should become an AMS member. It is a great way to support and gain access to the Society’s many pedagogical and professional resources, such as the Teaching Music History Conference and Journal of Music History Pedagogy

Join / Renew


Benefits of Interest to Educators

• Discounted registration rates for the AMS Annual Meeting
• Access to the Teaching Music History Conference
• Access to the Society’s Pedagogy Study Group
Grants for K-12 teachers and American music educators
Videos of the Society’s many
lectures and performances


Performers & Organizers

The AMS is a great resource and support for creative and cultural professionals of all kinds, from performers and composers to band directors and orchestra directors to curators and music administrators. The Society provides grants to support publications and programming, conferences to support networking and performance, and free access to some of the highest quality historical performing editions.

Join / Renew


Benefits of Interest to Performers & Organizers

• Opportunity to perform at the AMS Annual Meeting
Free access to Broude Trust Editions
•  Subventions to support digital and print publications
Affiliate grants to support performances and other programs

Membership Dues

Standard Memberships

AMS member dues rates are based on annual pre-tax income. Current dues rates are below. 

Special Member Rates

Students: $45
Sustaining Members: $315


Income-Based Dues Rates

$30,000 or less: $45
$30,001 to $45,000: $75
$45,001 to $60,000: $130
$60,001 to $80,000: $150
$80,001 to $100,000: $195
$100,001 and above: $245

(NOTE: Choose our “Sustaining Member” rate and you will pay $315, which includes a $70 donation as part of your membership fees. This donation will help subsidize discounted dues rates for students and lower-income members.)

Life Memberships

Become a Life Member by paying a fixed sum now for permanent membership in the AMS. Dues are prorated based on how long you have held a continuous AMS membership prior to upgrading to a Life membership. The schedule of fees are:

0 to 9 years: $5,000
10 to 19 years: $3,750
20 to 29 years: $2,500
30 or more years: $1,250

Contact us at ams [at] for more information or to purchase a Life Membership.


Over age 75 and on a fixed or diminished income? You may be eligible for a free Emeritus/Retired membership. Contact us at ams [at] for more information or to request or renew your complimentary annual Emeritus/Retired membership.

Member Benefits

Receive these members-only benefits when you join the AMS! They are reserved exclusively for AMS members and on top of our long list of public funding, award, and event programs.