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The William F. Holmes / Frank D’Accone Dissertation Fellowship in Opera Studies provides funding for dissertation research and completion focused on the study of opera. The Holmes/D’Accone Opera Studies Fellowship is awarded on the basis of academic merit. Fellows receive a year-long stipend, currently set at $25,000. They may also elect to accept the award on a non-stipendiary basis (thus freeing scarce resources for others). The fellowship is intended for full-time study. There are no provisions for the payment of tuition: it is hoped that graduate schools will provide tuition fellowships or waivers. Fellows are selected in the spring and announced in the summer.

Application Materials

Please see the application form for additional details about submission materials and guidelines. Applications to the fellowship must include:

  1. A brief (1,000 character) dissertation project description
  2. A current dissertation proposal of 2,000-4,000 words, including a detailed rationale of the project and an overview of each chapter
    A timeline (1-2 pages) for completion of the dissertation
  3. A sample chapter or excerpt (preferably not an introductory chapter reviewing the literature) not exceeding 60 double-spaced pages in length
  4. A letter from the registrar or departmental Director of Graduate Studies, attesting to ABD (all-but-dissertation) status.

Note: All documents should include the name of your project, but omit personally identifying information, such as your name and institution. Letters of recommendation and a curriculum vitae are not required.


Any full-time graduate student registered in good standing for a doctorate at a North American university who has had a dissertation proposal in the subfield of opera studies approved at the time of the application is eligible to apply, regardless of the stage of dissertation work.

Fellowships are not deferrable or renewable. It cannot be held concurrently with a comparable or year-long fellowship unless accepted on a non-stipendiary basis. Fellows are expected to focus on completing their dissertation and not to undertake more than twenty (20) hours each week of paid or unpaid employment during the fellowship term.

Frequently Asked Questions

What platform do I use to submit my application?

The AMS uses the Submittable platform for fellowship and grant applications. To access the application form, please follow the application link and create a Submittable account. All application materials must be uploaded to Submittable. Start your application process early. You may save an incomplete form and continue later. You MUST click the ‘Submit’ button at the end of the form to submit your application. Applications not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered. Upon submission of your application form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also check the status of your application by signing into your Submittable account and clicking “My Submissions”. If you have any questions, please contact

What needs to be included in my dissertation proposal document?

The proposal should include a detailed rationale of the project (supported by, but not limited to, an assessment of relevant secondary literature) and an overview of each chapter. It should be a sourced document with footnotes, endnotes, and/or bibliography. Word count does not include footnotes, endnotes, or bibliography. This document should include the name of your project, but omit personally identifying information, such as your name and institution.

What needs to be included on my timeline of the dissertation completion document?

The timeline should indicate all milestones (completion of exams, proposal approval, etc.) relevant to your program/institution. This document should include the name of your project, but omit personally identifying information, such as your name and institution.

How do I procure a letter attesting to my student status for the purposes of this application?

Your letter must be requested using the reference request feature included in the application form, so have your attestor’s name and email handy when filling in the form. You may send this letter request at any time, even before you are ready to submit the application.

Am I eligible for the Holmes/D’Accone Fellowship if I live outside of the United States or Canada?

Graduate students enrolled at universities in all 23 countries of the North American continent are eligible for the Holmes/D’Accone Fellowship. Eligibility is determined according to the location of the university where you are currently enrolled, not by your citizenship or the location of your current residence.

Can I accept the Holmes/D’Accone Fellowship if I have received a similar dissertation research fellowship or grant?

In order to accept the Holmes/D’Accone Fellowship while holding a similar dissertation research fellowship, you must accept the fellowship on a non-stipendiary basis. Recipients who receive the Holmes/D’Accone Fellowship with the accompanying stipend may not concurrently hold an equivalent award.

Funding News

Stay abreast of recent AMS grant and fellowship awards on our News & Updates page. The AMS funds a wide variety of individuals and projects, and keeping up with them can give you insight into future disciplinary trends and conversations.

Funding News



Past Recipients

The AMS has been a major provider of dissertation fellowships in music studies for decades. Peruse our searchable table of Past Recipients to see the extraordinary individuals the Society has supported over the years.

Past Recipients



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