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The Janet Levy Fund supports professional travel and research expenses for scholars who are members of the American Musicological Society. The award is open to those who hold the Ph.D. or demonstrate equivalency in the scholarly record and who do not have access to employer-based research funding.

Examples of projects supported by the Levy Fund include travel to the Annual Meeting of the AMS, to a conference to read a paper or participate in an official capacity, or to archives or research libraries; research expenses; costs related to the reproduction of manuscripts and archival documents; and specialized research materials. Award amounts will range between $500 and $2,000. Proposals are evaluated by a committee of three.




Applications to the Janet Levy Fund must include:

  • Narrative (500 words maximum) outlining the proposed project and its importance for the applicant’s career (be as specific as possible).
  • Proposed budget detailing when and how the funds are to be used.
  • Please use this budget template to prepare your budget proposal.
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • One letter of recommendation from a scholar familiar with the applicant’s work.

Please see the application form for more details about application requirements.

The award is open to those who hold the Ph.D. or demonstrate equivalency in the scholarly record and who do not have access to employer-based research funding. Present recipients of full-time fellowships, retirees, and those who have received the Ph.D. within the past five years are not eligible for this grant. No individual may receive a Levy Award more than once in a three-year period.

Funds awarded in 2025 must be applied to travel/research undertaken between 1 May 2025 and 30 April 2026.

Frequently Asked Questions

What platform do I use to submit my application?

The AMS uses the Submittable platform for fellowship and grant applications. To access the application form, please follow the application link and create a Submittable account. All application materials must be uploaded to Submittable. Start your application process early. You may save an incomplete form and continue later.

You MUST click the ‘Submit’ button at the end of the form to submit your application. Applications not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered. Upon submission of your application form you will receive an email confirmation. You may also check the status of your application by signing into your Submittable account and clicking “My Submissions.”

What kinds of projects does the Janet Levy Fund support?

The Janet Levy Fund is intended to support a wide-array of scholarly activities including, but not limited to, conference travel, archival research, and costs of obtaining specialized research materials.

How do I submit my letters of recommendation?

Your letters must be requested using the reference request feature included in the application form, so please have your recommender’s name and email handy when filling in the form. You may send this letter request at any time, even before you are ready to submit the application.

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This program provides essential support for independent scholars, contingent faculty, and others without employer professional development funds. Show your support!
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