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Funded through the generous support of the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Gladys Kriebel Delmas Foundation, and the generous contributions of many individual donors, AMS 75 PAYS subventions provide support for the publication of first books by professionals in the early stages of their musicology research or teaching career. The purpose of this subvention is to facilitate the publication of original and significant research or pedagogical tools in any recognized field of musicology by providing financial support to offset the costs of book production and reduce the retail price of the book.

Contributions to the AMS 75 PAYS Fund are warmly invited. The Society gratefully thanks these founding sponsors:



National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) logo


Mellon Foundation logo


Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation logo


Applications may be submitted by either publishers or individual authors once the work is complete and readers’ reports are in hand. Applications for subventions are considered semi-annually, with application deadlines in February and August of each year. To apply, please submit either the Individual or Publisher subvention application form. Please note these additional requirements for the AMS 75 PAYS Fund:

  • The author (or, if co-written, at least one of the authors) must have received the PhD or other relevant terminal graduate degree within twelve years of the date of application.
  • The proposed book must be the first book of the author under whose AMS membership the application is being submitted.
  • The book must be slated to appear in print no later than thirty-six months of the granting of the subvention.

If you are an author whose career trajectory does not technically fit the stated eligibility criteria for “early career professional,” you may request that your project be considered if you can otherwise show that you are still in the early stages of your musicology research or teaching career. Such requests are considered on a rolling basis and if approved, will authorize you to apply to receive funds from the AMS 75 PAYS subvention fund. Eligibility appeals are generally granted to those whose first book does not fall within the twelve-year post terminal degree window because of delays caused by career switching, ill health, disability, pregnancy, or other personal circumstances.

If you wish to make an eligibility appeal, please email your request and rationale to at least six weeks prior to the subvention application deadline for which you wish to submit an application. Your email should specifically state the eligibility criteria that you do NOT meet and which you would like waived, and why. Decisions on eligibility appeals will be provided within one month of the submission of the appeal. If your eligibility appeal is approved, you will be authorized to apply for AMS 75 PAYS Subvention funding, but will not be guaranteed funding. To receive funding, your proposed book project will still have to undergo the usual committee review and approval process and meet all other applicable program requirements and deadlines.

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Help us provide greater support for research and publications in music studies. Get involved with the AMS!
Donate to the AMS 75 PAYS fund and help us support more younger scholars!
Become a committee volunteer and help us review subvention applications.
Join the AMS! It is a tangible show of support for this and other AMS programs.