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The Career Development Grants in American Music program provides grants of $800 and complimentary Annual Meeting registration to students and educators who have a special interest in American music.

The purpose of the program is to support participation in Annual Meeting programming that deepens participants’ knowledge of American music and strengthens professional networks. Grant recipients will participate in relevant activities at the upcoming AMS Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL as part of a cohort of twelve.

All application materials should be submitted as responses to this form. Applications to the K-12 Educators Grants must include:

  1. Information regarding the applicant’s status as an educator or a student
  2. A brief description of why the grant is appealing to the applicant
  3. A brief description of American musical topics the applicant’s study is focused

Please see the application form for additional details about required application materials.


Application is open to educators at all levels (K-12 and higher education) and students currently enrolled in a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral program who demonstrate an interest in American music. Applicants must be legal residents of the United States.

Selected grantees will receive complimentary registration for the 2024 AMS Annual Meeting and will be required to attend at least six sessions on the American Music track, as well as specified cohort activities, over the course of the Annual Meeting. Details regarding the American Music track and required events will be provided upon grant acceptance.

Eligible applicants may apply for both the Career Development Grant in American Music and the Annual Meeting Travel Grants program (formerly MPD). However, these awards are not additive. If an applicant is selected to receive a Career Development Grant in American Music, they will be removed from the application pool for the Annual Meeting Travel Grants.

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