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AMS/NYU Lecture Series

A lecture series for the New York University (NYU) community and general public


Each year the American Musicological Society and New York University collaborate on a special lecture that brings scholarly work on music to the NYU community and general public in New York City. This event, the AMS/NYU Lecture, which is typically held on the NYU campus, may feature either NYU faculty or invited guests and engages with issues of importance in contemporary music studies.

The choice of speaker and topic for this event is proposed and organized by a committee of NYU faculty across several NYU departments and intended to provide an annual program of appeal across the population of NYU students and faculty engaged in the humanistic study of music.

Jean Bernard Cerin singing and Kamilla Arku at piano
Jean Bernard Cerin singing and Kamilla Arku at the piano during the 2024 AMS-NYU Lecture. (Credit: Patrick Hamm)

Sponsors & Partners

The AMS/NYU Lecture Series is presented in partnership or with sponsorship from the following.

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