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Critical Race Studies Lecture

An annual lecture on recent scholarship in Critical Race Studies held at the AMS Annual Meeting


The Critical Race Studies Lecture is presented at the AMS Annual Meeting each year and is designed to share and explore research and scholarship concerning the intersections of music and race, indigeneity, and ethnicity. The choice of the featured lecturer is made by the Society’s Committee on Race, Indigeneity, and Ethnicity (CRIE), which organizes this lecture each year. This lecture is endowed and has been generously funded through the contributions of AMS members.

Recent Lectures

  • 2024 Annual Meeting: “Vivir mi vida: Toward a Critical Salsa Romántica and a Sonic Global South Brownness” by Frances R. Aparicio
  • 2023 Annual Meeting: “The Shape of Musicology to Come” by Alex Blue V, Rena Roussin, Ireri E. Chávez-Bárcenas, and Amanda Hsieh
  • 2022 Annual Meeting: “Sound Assumptions: The Given of New Orleans and Havana” by Alexandra T. Vazquez

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