The American Musicological Society and the Music Division of the Library of Congress are pleased to present a series of lectures highlighting musicological research conducted in the Division’s collections. The AMS/Library of Congress Lecture Series is a public lecture program designed to appeal to a mix of professional musicians, musicologists, music lovers, and music educators.
Lecture proposals are invited most years from members of the AMS community. All proposals should be written to appeal to a broad audience and must make prominent use of the materials from the collections of the Library of Congress, Music Division.

The Azevedo Collection at Library of Congress
In this lecture, Miranda Bartira Tagliari Sousa discusses the Azevedo collection, housed in the Music Division of the Library of Congress. Luiz Heitor Corrêa de Azevedo was a Brazilian musicologist/ethnomusicologist/folklorist who collaborated with U.S. scholars, producing field recordings of Brazilian folk music, as part of the Good Neighbor Policy—and an attempt to establish a cultural exchange between the Americas.

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