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These documents record AMS procedures and restrictions pertaining to common situations encountered by the Society’s volunteers and affiliates.



AMS Policy on Harassment

Harassment of AMS employees, members, or volunteers and other individuals attending AMS-operated, sponsored and/or affiliated events is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.


AMS By-Laws

The American Musicological Society is organized in accordance with its By-Laws, as adopted and amended by vote of the membership.


AMS Administrative Handbook

The American Musicological Society is organized in accordance with this Handbook, as adopted and amended by the Board of Directors.


AMS Privacy Policy & User Agreement

The AMS has adopted this Privacy Policy & User Agreement applicable to information about consumers that it acquires in the course of its business.


Guidelines for Ethical Conduct

This statement provides guidelines for ethical conduct by members of the Society, both as individual scholars and as employees and members of professional institutions and organizations.


AMS Guidelines on Accessibility and Accommodations for Members with Disabilities

In keeping with its commitment to the principles of inclusiveness and equal access, the AMS has adopted the these guidelines.