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To foster interdisciplinary collaboration, the AMS encourages committees and study groups to invite guest speakers from outside the field of musicology to participate in their Annual Meeting sessions, vetted by the Committee on the Annual Meeting and Public Events. The Guest Speaker Fund is a special fund established by the AMS to advance this goal by providing financial support to AMS committees and study groups that invite speakers from outside the field of musicology to participate in the AMS Annual Meeting. 

Grants of up to $1,500 will be considered to provide travel expenses (airfare, meals, lodging, etc.) and honorarium for each invited guest. Guest speakers may also be given complimentary conference registration if requested. Please note, the program also has an earlier deadline than the Annual Meeting’s Call for Committee and Study Group Proposals.

Applications to the Guest Speaker Fund will be received using a proposal submission process that is separate from that of the annual meeting itself. Applications must include:

1. A narrative description of the session
A budget for how the funds will be expended
3. A CV for the proposed guest


The Guest Speaker Fund is only available to AMS Committees and Study Groups. Applications should be submitted by a representative of the Study Group. Importantly, the Guest Speaker Fund Application is a separate process from AMS Committee/Study Group proposals. The deadline for Guest Speaker Fund Applications is earlier than that of the AMS Committee/Study Group Proposal deadline.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are individual members of the AMS eligible for the Guest Speaker Fund?

No. The Guest Speaker Fund is only available to AMS committee and study groups to sponsor guest speakers at their respective events at the AMS Annual Meeting.

What do I need to include in my narrative description of the session?

Narrative description should explain the topic and what the guest speaker should contribute. Please include the titles, names, and institutional affiliations of all participants to the extent possible.

What kinds of expenses can the Guest Speaker Fund be used to reimburse?

The Guest Speaker fund can be used to cover travel, lodging, and/or honorarium expenses for invited speakers to the Annual Meeting. 

Can I submit a Guest Speaker Fund application if I have not received final confirmation of the intended speaker’s participation?

You may submit a proposal for the Guest Speaker Fund even if you are still awaiting final confirmation of your speaker’s availability. However, funds will not be distributed if your speaker is unable to attend the Annual Meeting of the Society. 

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