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The Chapter Activities Fund provides partial support for chapter activities and programs. Requests of up to $500 and no more than 50% of total costs will be considered. Awards are made semi-annually. Applications for the summer award cycle are due by August 1 (decisions by September 1). Applications for the winter award cycle are due by January 15 (decisions by February 15). Chapters cannot receive funding more than once in a twelve-month period.

Application Materials

Please see the application form for additional details regarding required application content. All application materials should be submitted as responses to this form. Applications to the Chapter Activities Fund must include:

  1. A brief description of the purpose of the funding request
  2. An itemized budget summary of the requested funds (note: this should only encompass 50% or less of the total project/event budget)
  3. An itemized budget summary of remaining expenses not to be covered by the Chapter Activities Fund
  4. Optional additional documentation as needed


Only duly elected representatives of AMS chapters may apply for the Chapter Activities Fund. A given chapter cannot receive funding more than once in a twelve-month period. The Chapter Activities Fund provides only partial support for any request. Only requests of up to $500 and no more than 50% of total costs will be considered. (Proposals should specify the source of the remaining 50% of total costs.) Requests must be received in advance of their intended use.

Funds must be used within 12 months of the award date for the purposes outlined in the proposal. Funds not used within 12 months of the award date must be returned to the AMS. Eligible expenses include speaker fees, venue costs, travel, lodging, supplies, and direct program costs (i.e., A/V, equipment, catering, etc.). Requests for support that do not clearly fall within a category described above will be considered by the Committee on a case-by-case basis.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are individual members of the AMS eligible for the Chapter Activities Fund?

No. The Chapter Activities Fund is only available to AMS chapters. If you have an idea for the Chapter Activities Fund, please contact an representative for your local AMS chapter.

Can my chapter apply for the Chapter Activities Fund twice in one twelve-month period?

An AMS chapter can only receive one payment from the Chapter Activities Fund in a given twelve month period. This means if your proposal is selected for the winter cycle, you will not be eligible for another Chapter Activities Fund grant until the following winter cycle. However, if your chapter’s proposal was rejected in a given cycle, your chapter is eligible to submit in the next immediate cycle.

Can the Chapter Activities Fund be the only source of funding for a program/event?

No. The Chapter Activities Fund is meant to supplement funding for chapter specific events and programs. Proposals should not request more than $500 and should specify what other funding sources are being used to complete the event/program budget. The Chapter Activities Fund payment should not make up more than 50% of the total budget for the event/program.

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