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The AMS offers Annual Meeting Travel Grants to AMS members who have little or no financial support for travel to participate in the Annual Meeting of the Society. The purpose of this grant is to aid non-affiliated scholars and those with institutional appointments but little or no financial support for conference travel.

Grants are available of up to $350 (applicants traveling from within North America) and $500 (applicants from outside North America). Funds are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, so applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible. This grant does not include a waiver of the Annual Meeting registration fee.

Prior to 2022, this program was called Membership and Professional Development Grants (MPD).



Grants are available to those who are presenting papers or performances, chairing sessions, or serving on an AMS Committee, as well as those who do not appear on the program. Graduate students are also eligible for Annual Meeting Travel Grants, if their home institution is unable to provide sufficient support. You are eligible to apply for an Annual Meeting Travel Grant even if you have received one in the past, but awards are given preferentially to those who have not received funding in the previous year. You are only eligible for one type of Annual Meeting travel support; if you receive another form of support, you will receive whichever is highest.

Get Involved

Deepen your expertise and expand your networks! Attend and support the AMS Annual Meeting!
Give to the Annual Giving Fund to help fund annual meeting travel grants.
Make your mark! Volunteer to serve on an AMS lecture or performance committee.
Join the Society and enjoy unrestricted and discounted access to all AMS events.