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Resources for Chapter Leaders

The American Musicological Society (AMS) has fifteen affiliated regional chapters throughout the United States and Canada. These chapters are run by volunteer chapter leaders and are the first point of contact for many AMS members. Through chapter-organized conferences, mixers, writing groups, and other programs, AMS members connect with like-minded peers and strengthen their regional personal and professional networks. However, the vitality of the Society’s chapters depends entirely on the willingness of AMS members to step up, run for election, and assume positions of leadership. So, join the AMS and become part of your local chapter today.

Officers Handbook

Are you a chapter or study group leader who is new to the position or looking to make the most of the upcoming program year? You should check out the Society’s Chapter & Study Group Officers Handbook. Prepared by the AMS Office and updated annually, this Handbook has all the information you need to get support and funding for your chapter or study group programs. It contains deadlines for funding applications, guidance on managing finances and paperwork, and tips and tools for communicating with your chapter or study group members.

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Affiliate Grants

Looking to get funding for your chapter or study group event or program? The American Musicological Society runs several funding programs exclusively for AMS affiliates that can help you organize exciting and instructive member programming. To learn more, visit and bookmark the Society’s Affiliate Grants page. And remember, note important deadlines well in advance. The best way to ensure support is to plan and submit your funding applications well in advance or your program or event start date.

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Chapter Officers

Allegheny Chapter

President: Jennifer Walker (2024–2026)

Program Chair: Peter Graff (2024–2026)

Secretary-Treasurer: Anna Stephan-Robinson (2024–2026)

Capital Chapter

Chair: Aaron Ziegel (2023–2025)

Vice-Chair: Laurie McManus (2024–2026)

Secretary: Elyse Ridder-Roe (2024–2026)

Treasurer: Meghan Creek (2024–2026)

Greater New York Chapter

President: Jeff S. Dailey (2022–2025)

Vice President: Jonathan Waxman (2022–2025)

Secretary: Nicholas Chong (2024–2027)

Treasurer: William E. Hettrick (2021–2025)

Midwest Chapter

President: Keith Clifton (2024–2026)

Secretary: Paula Harper (2023–2025)

Treasurer: Megan Eagen-Jones (2023–2025)

New England Chapter

President: Heather de Savage (2024–2026)

Secretary-Treasurer: Elizabeth G. Elmi (2023–2025)

Program Chair: Jeannette DiBernardo Jones (2024–2026)

New York - St. Lawrence Chapter

President: Christopher Moore (2024–2027)

Secretary-Treasurer: Carolyne Sumner (2024–2027)

Northern California Chapter

President: Erica Buurman (2024–2026)

Treasurer: Edmund Mendelssohn (2022–2025)

Pacific Northwest Chapter

President: Joseph Salem (2020-2025)

Secretary-Treasurer: Catherine Ludlow (2020-2025)

Pacific Southwest Chapter

President: Joel Haney (2024–2026)

Vice President: Stephen Hudson (2023–2025)

Secretary: Elizabeth Lindau (2024–2026)

Treasurer: John Koegel (2023–2025)

Rocky Mountain Chapter

President: Hannah McLaughlin (2024–2026)

South-Central Chapter

President: Peter Lamothe (2024–2025)

Secretary: Reyers Bruscoe (2022–2025)

Treasurer: Marie Sumner Lott (2022–2025)

Southeast Chapter

President: Christopher Campo-Bowen (2024–2026)

Secretary-Treasurer: Megan Francisco (2023–2025)

Southern Chapter

President: Blake Howe (2024–2026)

Secretary-Treasurer: Laura Dallman (2023–2025)

Southwest Chapter

President: Virginia Whealton (2024–2025)

Secretary: Sarah Lucas (2024–2026)

Treasurer: Kimberly Hieb (2024–2026)

Get Involved

AMS Chapters are the organizational entry point for many AMS members. Getting involved with your local chapter is a great way to make friends and build your network!
Support your local AMS chapter and its programs and events by donating now!
Serve as an AMS committee member. It is a great way to connect and learn!
Join the AMS and get access to music studies events organized by your chapter!