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The American Musicological Society is pleased to announce the recipients of the Society’s 2024 travel and research grants. We congratulate the recipients and wish them the best in their research.

Elliott Antokoletz Fund & Eugene K. Wolf Fund

Seokyoung Kim

Project Title: Interculturalism, Neoliberalism, and Minority Voices in Huang Ruo’s M. Butterfly (2022).

Eugene K. Wolf Fund

Anushka Kulkarni

Project Title: The Empire Sings Back: Operatic Histories of British-Indian Colonial Encounter.

Eugene K. Wolf Fund

Heather Moore

Project Title: The Ost-Berlin School: Artistic Agency and Identity Within East Germany’s Electronic Rock Scene.

H. Robert Cohen / RIPM Fund

Max Jefferson

Project Title: Sound as Black Situation: Black Nationalist Music, Black Music Criticism, Black Worlding, 1965-1972.

Harold Powers World Travel Fund

Allison Chu

Project Title: Documentary Opera: Archives, Identities, and Politics in Contemporary American Opera

Jan LaRue Travel Fund

Matthew Blackmar

Project Title: Just Pattern Recognition: Fair-Use Copyright, Hip Hop, and Digital Music Practice from The Era of Algorithms to The Era of AI

M. Elizabeth C. Bartlet Fund

Saagar Asnani

Project Title: Languages of Song: A Sociolinguistic History of Medieval Music and its Vernaculars.

M. Elizabeth C. Bartlet Fund

Jacqueline Fortier

Project Title: Sounding Martinican Identity through Popular Music in the 21st Century.

Ora Frishberg Saloman Fund

Zivile Arnasiute

Project Title: Small Voices Within the Union: Communist Ideologies and Musical Practices in Peripheral Soviet Socialist Republics.

Virginia and George Bozarth Fund

Matthew Shih

Project Title: Recovering the Musical Lives of Jewish Migrants in Shanghai.

Janet Levy Fund

Lisa Nielson

Project Title: Henry George Farmer and the Invention of Arabian Music.

Janet Levy Fund

Miguel Ramirez

Project Title: “Swelling like sand in the sea”: Reassessing the Viennese reception of Bruckner’s symphonies.