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AMS Administrative Handbook

Page 15 [Section II.F]: [Committees—cont.] Award Committees 

    F. Award Committees

      1.  H. Robert Cohen/RIPM Award Committee
      2. Purpose: The H. Robert Cohen/RIPM Award honors each year a work of scholarship of exceptional merit based upon eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth-century periodical literature related to music. The H. Robert Cohen/RIPM Award Committee reviews nominations and determines awardees in accordance with the policies and procedures of the American Musicological Society.

        Constitution: Three (3) members representing eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth-century scholarship, elected for three-year staggered terms.

        Timetable: Nominations must be received by mid-April/early-May and award decisions are due by late-August/early-September.             

      3. Early Music Award Committee
      4. PurposeThe Early Music Award honors a substantial, single-authored work of scholarship on music before 1550. The Early Music Award Committee reviews nominations and determines awardees in accordance with the policies and procedures of the American Musicological Society.

        Constitution: Three (3) members serving overlapping three-year terms.

        Timetable: Nominations must be received by mid-April/early-May and decisions are due by late-August/early-September.

      5. Alfred Einstein Award Committee
      6. Purpose: The Alfred Einstein Award honors a musicological article of exceptional merit by a scholar in the early stages of their career who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States. The Alfred Einstein Award Committee reviews nominations and determines awardees in accordance with the policies and procedures of the American Musicological Society.

        Constitution: The committee will consist of three (3) members with overlapping three-year terms.

        Timetable: Nominations must be received by mid-April/early-May and decisions are due by late-August/early-September.

      7. Noah Greenberg Award Committee
      8. Purpose: The Noah Greenberg Award is intended as a grant-in-aid to stimulate active cooperation between scholars and performers by recognizing and fostering outstanding contributions to historical performance practices. The Noah Greenberg Award Committee reviews applications and determines awardees in accordance with the policies and procedures of the American Musicological Society.

        Constitution: Three (3) members serving three-year overlapping terms.

        Timetable: Applications must be received by early to mid-August and decisions are due by late August/early September.

      9. Roland Jackson Award Committee
      10. Purpose: The Roland Jackson Award recognizes each year an article in the English language of exceptional merit in the field of music analysis by a scholar who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States. The Roland Jackson Memorial Grant for Music Analysis provides funds to support the creation of articles in music analysis. The Roland Jackson Award Committee supports both of these programs by reviewing applications and nominations, and determining awardees in accordance with the policies and procedures of the American Musicological Society.

        Constitution: Three (3) members serving three-year overlapping terms. 

        Timetable: Nominations for the Roland Jackson Award must be received by mid-April/early-May and decisions are due by late-August/early-September. Applications for the Roland Jackson Memorial Grant for Music Analysis must be received by early December and decisions are due by early February.