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AMS Administrative Handbook

Page 3 [Section I]: [Structure, cont.] Council:

C. Council

    The organization of the Council is described in detail in Article IV of the By-Laws.

    Election to Council is not only a distinct honor, but the steppingstone to all further elected positions within the Society. The Council considers issues of interest to its members, may initiate new committees to study those issues, and sends recommendations to the Board. In order to serve on the AMS Council, individuals must be members in good standing of the AMS.

    1. Council Secretary
    2. By-Law definition: As stated in By-Law Article IV.B: “The Council shall elect a secretary from past or present regular members of the Council for a term of two years. A Council Secretary may be elected to continue in office up to a maximum term of twelve years, and shall, if not currently an elected member of the Council, serve as an ex officio member of the Council. The Council Secretary is charged with the coordination of all Council activities and will function as liaison between the Council and the Board of Directors, in close cooperation with the secretary of the Society. [The latter is a vestigial clause; the AMS Secretary is no longer involved with the workings of Council.] The Council Secretary shall serve as an ex officio member of the Board of Directors." The term of Council members begins on August 1 of the year of their election. The term of the Council Secretary also begins on August 1 of the year of their election; the outgoing Council Secretary will work with the incoming Council Secretary to effect a smooth transition.

      Charge: [see By-Law definition, above.] The Council Secretary also functions as liaison between student members and the official bodies of the Society.

      Guidelines: The duties of the Council Secretary include:

      1. Identify chapter representatives to Council, in cooperation with the Executive Director.
      2. Serve as liaison between Council and the Board, and between the student representatives to Council and the official bodies of the Society, in cooperation with the President and the Executive Director.
      3. Develop the agenda of the annual Council meeting, in consultation with the membership of Council and the President.
      4. Take minutes at the annual Council meeting.
      5. Chair the annual student representatives’ breakfast meeting. Develop the agenda in consultation with the student representatives.
      6. Provide the charge to the members of the two Council committees, along with relevant documents.
      7. Manage all aspects of the annual Council election, and communicate the results to the Board.
      8. Serve as ex officio member of the Board, the Council, and the Committee on Obituaries.

      Timetable: The Council Secretary’s term starts 1 August in odd-numbered years. Like the AMS Treasurer and Secretary, the Council Secretary may run unopposed after the first term of service.

    3. Council Meetings
    4. Council meetings are chaired by the President, and, as stated in By-Law Article V.A.4, the AMS Secretary “shall also be responsible for maintaining liaison between the Board of Directors and the Council …”

    5. Travel reimbursement for student members
    6. This is handled by the Chapter Activities Committee (see Administrative Handbook II.B.2) The form is available online.