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AMS Ethics Committee Election Results

Friday, October 22, 2021  

The AMS is pleased to announce the results of the 2021 Ethics Committee election. The following individuals have been elected and will formally begin their terms of service in November 2021. Congratulations to the newly-elected and thank you to all those who stood for election.

William Cheng, Dartmouth, Ph.D. Harvard, 2013. Loving Music Till It Hurts (Oxford, 2019), Just Vibrations: The purpose of Sounding Good (Michigan, 2016). Former member of the Council, Council Nomination Com., Publications Com., and HMB Fellowship Com.

Andrew Dell’Antonio, UT Austin, Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 1991. Co-Editor, Music and Social Justice series (Michigan); Author/Editor, The Avid Listener; recent focus on Universal Design for Learning, Disability Studies; Former co-chair of the ad hoc Ethics Planning Committee, former member of the Board, Council, AMS Com. on Women & Gender, Annual Program Com., MPD Com., Communications Com.

Luis-Manuel Garcia, U. of Birmingham, Ph.D. U. of Chicago, 2011. Together Somehow: Music, Affect, and Intimacy on the Dancefloor (Duke, in press). Articles in Ethnomusicology Forum, Sound Studies, Annals of Leisure Research, Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, Dancecult. Former member of the SEM Council, SEM Program Committee, IASPM-US board (student member), IASPM-US Program Committee. President of the Popular Music Section of SEM. Founding member of The Scare Quotes, a coalition of BIPOC and queer ethnomusicologists ( Organized #SEMchillout ( for BIPOC+ attendees of SEM 2020.

Bonnie Gordon, University of Virginia, Ph.D. UPenn. Monteverdi’s Unruly Women (Cambridge, 2004), co-editor of The Courtesans Arts (Oxford, 2006). Former member of the Board, Council, Com. on Women & Gender, MPD Com., Com. on Race and Ethnicity, and Pisk Award Com. Founding faculty member UVa equity center.

Imani Mosley, U of Florida, Ph.D., Duke, 2019. “Say Her Name: Invocation, Remembrance, and Gendered Trauma in Black Lives Matter” in Performing Commemoration: Musical Reenactment and the Politics of Trauma (Michigan, 2020). Former member of ad hoc Ethics Planning Committee and MPD Com.