The Journal of Musicology Pedagogy (JMHP) publishes original research on any aspect of the teaching and learning of music history at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, for all audiences (majors, non-majors, and the public), and all genres of music. The Editorial Board seeks to present a balance of practitioner-based research; philosophical essays on educational theory, curriculum, and pedagogical inquiry; and systematic research that promotes a critical dialogue about the teaching of music history.
Submissions to JMHP should balance personal insight with a critical assessment of published scholarship and provide sufficient detail and documentation to be relevant to a broad audience. The Journal publishes articles by senior scholars as well as more junior members of the field, and by scholars from all subdisciplines and types of institutions.
JMHP editors and Editorial Board members are appointed by the AMS President in consultation with the Board of Directors and following a public process of nomination and/or application.
Melanie Lowe, Editor-in-Chief
Rika Asai, Editorial Board
Matt Baumer, Editorial Board
Marie Comuzzo, Editorial Board, Student
S. Andrew Granade, Editorial Board
Kunio Hara, Editorial Board
Eric Hung, Editorial Board
Erinn Knyt, Editorial Board
Peng Liu, Editorial Board
Colin Roust, Editorial Board
Kristi Swift, Editorial Board
Reba Wissner, Editorial Board
Special Issue: Teaching Global Music History
In this special issue, guest editors Hyun Kyong Hannah Chang, Daniel F. Castro Pantoja, and Hedy Law invite scholars to share their experiences teaching or designing courses on teaching aspects of global music history. Featured authors include Danielle Fosler-Lussier, Roe-Min Kok, Alecia D. Barbour, Nancy Yunhwa Rao, Tamara Levitz, Michael Birenbaum Quintero, Samuel Ajose, Bonnie Gordon, and Olivia Bloechl.

The Journal of Music History Pedagogy (JMHP) promotes original research on the teaching and pedagogy of all levels of music history (from music appreciation to the history survey to graduate seminars) and disciplines (Western, non-Western, concert musics, popular musics, and more) including such topics as teaching philosophy, pedagogical theory, new approaches to specific works or topics, the development of specific courses, and reviews of textbooks, teaching ancillaries, and other pedagogical materials. Submissions to JMHP should balance personal insight with a critical assessment of published scholarship and provide sufficient detail and documentation to be relevant to a broad audience.
Contributors should submit one complete, anonymous copy of their article as well as a brief cover letter with a clear reference to the title of the article submitted. To facilitate the anonymous review of submissions, authors are asked to remove all self-identifying references in the body of the paper and in the notes of their submissions. In the cover letter, authors are also asked to include a brief biographical sketch (about 75 words) and an abstract of the article suitable for RILM.
Tables, illustrations, musical examples, and other materials that supplement the prose should appear in both the original article and as individual pages and computer files. Tables should be saved as text files; musical examples and illustrations should be saved as graphics files. Authors are responsible for securing the use of copyrighted materials in their articles to JMHP.
Although there are no minimum or maximum lengths for articles, the Editors encourage submissions of approximately 5,000–6,000 words (15–20 pages, doubled spaced). The Journal uses The Chicago Manual of Style (18th ed.) as its style guide with citations detailed in numbered footnotes on each page. Bibliographies need only be submitted if the author feels a summary of sources is needed to further the argument of the submission. Article submissions and all other correspondence should be sent electronically through the JMHP website.
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