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The AMS Council Nominating Committee calls for nominations for the 2026 Council elections.

Charged with drawing up a slate of candidates for consideration in the next AMS Council election, the Council Nominating Committee encourages members to offer nominations for suitable candidates. Nominees must be AMS members and should be “scholars who have made notable contributions to the stated object of the Society.” (Bylaws, IV.A.1)

The Committee seeks a diverse and representative candidate pool and will take into account geographic region, gender, race/ethnicity, age, profession, chosen methodologies, fields of specialization, and other facets of work and identity that provide the broadest possible representation of the Society’s membership when composing its slate of candidates.

The deadline for submitting nominations is Friday, 9 May 2025. Self-nomination is permitted. If you wish to nominate a candidate for service on the AMS Council, please submit a nomination via the AMS nomination form. You may find a list of current Council members here.